Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Drugs on University Campus Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Drugs on University Campus - Coursework Example The students are involved in consuming drugs and alcohol usually is more likely to get C grade GPAs. It is a major factor of dropping out of students. One third of young people who died in accidents are drunk. Approximately half of the young people from age 16 to 24 tried drugs at least one time. Use of alcohol, ecstasy, cocaine and cannabis is drastically increasing on campuses and it can lead to morally corrupt society, it started when students see their friends taking drugs and they want to try it too and they get addicted. But the ratio of students who are taking drugs is low as it may be thought the ratio is higher, According to study of Drug culture on UK Campuses 45% of students not at all make an effort to take any form of illegal drugs, nevertheless 90% of students believed that their friends involved in consuming drugs (Friedberg, 2012). According to the survey report 77% students take cannabis, 39% ecstasy and 24% cocaine on campuses. Students are cautious while taking LSD as 61% of students never tried this. One research conducted online and questioned 1401 students, just 3% of the students said they never want to tried cannabis, now you can assume how radically use of this type of drugs increasing. (Friedberg, 2012) Drugs are illegal and by consuming it students get a risk of affecting their mental and physical health, these drugs make young people lead to unprotected sex and it cause STDs and unplanned pregnancy. The legal penalties are severe as if found guilty, possession of A class drugs can lead to 7 years of prison and if found guilty. As a result, then students waste their years to attend school. Most of the students nearly more than half percent of students when arrived at university they already have know how of drugs and they had to used them regularly before arriving at university. A very big numbers of students tried drugs by the age of 16. Many of the students smoke cigarettes and some of them tried

Monday, February 10, 2020

Lautreamonts Sewing Machine and Umbrella Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Lautreamonts Sewing Machine and Umbrella - Essay Example Descriptions of Lautreamont’s work echo the same type of influences identified in Dali’s work nearly a century after Lautreamont’s death. Working with literature rather than paint, Lautreamont painted pictures in the mind of his readers that were vividly graphic and altogether disturbing in their character. â€Å"One of the earliest and most astonishing examples of surrealist writing, Lautreamont’s fantasy unveils a world – half vision, half-nightmare – of angels and gravediggers, hermaphrodites and pederasts, lunatics and strange children. The writing is drenched with an unrestrained savagery and menace, and the grandiose by turns – possesses a remarkable hallucinatory quality† (Siquiera, n.d.). Lautreamont’s effectiveness is translated particularly in his ability to accurately present a vivid description of an everyday object or creature with such attention to detail and such precise selection of language that his image s leap off the pages to become real before the eyes of the reader, such as in his various uses of animals to more fully represent his intentions. â€Å"These creatures are presented with the sharp eye of the biologist. By likening humanity to animals, Lautreamont achieves a double effect: man comes off as debased and at the same time, elevated: to be like an animal man must be rid of all his pretensions and vanities. It is this pretense to culture and civilized behavior that sicken Lautreamont/Maldoror†.